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Group Leader - Hector McCallum

Dear S.A. members,

Feeling lazy, watching to much tv, snacking, fed up with lockdown and thinking about getting the bicycle out of the shed but can`t be bothered. Perhaps you don`t have a bike, but would like to get back on the saddle? Well join the club, not the 'can`t find the time' club but the S.A. Cycle Group and you are on your way to catching up with new shipmates, exercise and cycle rides to suit you.

Why not drop an email to Hector and I`ll get you up to speed. We currently have 7 members andare looking to increase this. Go on, and let`s see some new faces and you never know, it may bring back happy memories of days long gone!!!

My Email address -

Kind regards




SDW Finish 2 (002).jpg

Gosport Branch Cycle Club members  at the finishing line after the South Downs Way cycle Challenge 2024

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