Established 1981
President - Captain Chris Groves
Vice President - Les Catlin BEM
Chairman - Steve Thorpe MBE

Submariners Remembrance Day Service held at the RN Submarine Museum Nov. 2024
The annual Gosport Submarine Remembrance Service was held at the RN Submarine Museum in Gosport again this year on Sunday 10th. November.
About 200 serving and veteran submariners were present along with wives, partners and guests. The standards of the Gosport and Portsmouth branches along with the SA National Standard were paraded.
The service was conducted by the Revd. Michael Chatfield RN a chaplain from HMS Collingwood following a welcome and introduction by Gosport Branch Chairman Steve Thorpe MBE. During the service the poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson “Crossing the Bar” was read by Vice Admiral Tim McClement KCB OBE and the act of remembrance was introduced by Les Catlin BEM Hon. Life Vice President of the Gosport Branch before a two-minute silence was observed with the ‘Still’ and the ‘Carry on’ being blown by ‘Bugs’ Malone a member of the Gosport branch. This was followed by the laying of wreaths at the memorial sited in front of HMS Alliance.
On the conclusion of the service the traditional order ‘Out Hip flasks’ was announced.
A tot of rum was also available to those who wished to partake for as a donation to the Gosport Branch charities.
Grateful thanks were given to Gosport member Roy Dixon for his organisation and liaison with both the Submarine Museum and the HMS Collingwood Chaplaincy both organisation were also thanked for their invaluable assistance.
The service was recorded by Museum staff and is available to watch online via the following link. (When you get to the NMRN web site type into the search option - Remembrance Day Service 2024 / Submarine Museum)